Wednesday, November 25, 2009

One area that showed as a great need in my own school is culture awareness. At my school the ELL students make up 1/3 of our schools total population and because ELL students take classes in every department of our school. I think it is a great idea to train our staff to understand our ELL students and help them success. No matter how assimilated students in a classroom are, it is the teacher's responsibility to ensure that they understand diversity, now the contributions of members of both dominant and other groups, and hear the voices of individuals and groups who are from cultural backgrounds different from the majority of students." (p. 381). I saw many teachers at my school are afraid to incorporate diversity and/or multiculturalism into their classroom, even for the minority culture that exist in their school. Many feel like the students will feel singled out if they are in their classroom. For teachers to recognize the need to represent all cultures in a classroom and know how to naturally do this, professional development in this area needs to be offered and required. Every year, my team and I have created a “ Culture Diversity Celebration Day” at our school before Thanksgiving break and the students get to wear their own cultural clothes to school, brought in food from their culture, and we invited all our staff to come and enjoy lunch we us. Our hope is that by exchange some ideas with our staff about our ELL students they will feel more comfortable with the ELL students, get to know the students better, and ready to have them in their own classroom.

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